Sunday, August 28, 2011

भट्टराईलाई प्रधानमन्त्री बनाउन माओवादीले कस्तो सम्झौता गर्‍यो?

काठमाडौ, भदौ ११ - प्रधानमन्त्री को बन्छ भन्ने हल्ला र चर्चाका बीच आइतबार बिहान मधेसी दलहरुसँग माओवादीले एउटा सम्झौता गरेको छ। त्यही सम्झौतापछि संयुक्त लोकतान्त्रिक मधेसी मोर्चा माओवादी उम्मेद्‌वार बाबुराम भट्टराईलाई मत दिन सहमत भएको हो।

४ बुँदे सहमतिमा समायोजन हुने माओवादी लडाकुको संख्या ७ हजारमा सीमित गर्न कोसिस गरिने, राज्य पुनर्संरचना आयोग गठन नगर्ने, विभिन्न आन्दोलनका दौरान लगाईएका मुद्दाहरु फिर्ता लिने लगायत छन्। पूर्ण पाठ हेर्नोस् :

शान्ति, संविधान र संयुक्त सरकार संचालनका लागि एकीकृत नेकपा माओवादी र संयुक्त लोकतान्त्रिक मधेसी मोर्चाबीच मुख्य तथा आधारभूत विषयहरुमा भएको सहमति :

संविधान सभा व्यवस्थापिका संसदमा नयाँ प्रधानमन्त्रीको चयनका लागि मिति २०६९ भाद्र ११ गते हुने निर्वाचनमा संयुक्त लोकतान्त्रिक मधेसि मोर्चाका सम्बद्ध दलहरुले एकीकृत नेकपा माओवादीका तर्फबाट उम्मेद्वार रहनु भएका माननीय डा. बाबुराम भट्टराईको पक्षमा मतदान गर्ने निर्णय गरेकोमा माओवादी पार्टीले यसलाई हार्दिकताका साथ स्वागत गरेको छ।

Saturday, August 27, 2011

विकिलिक्स खुलासाः बोइङको जहाज खरिद गर्न माओवादीद्वारा आफूमाथि लगाइएको आतंकवादी बिल्ला हटाउनु पर्ने शर्त

नेपालका कम्युनिस्ट नाममात्रका
  • नेपाली भूमिमा चिनियाँ सेना
  • भीम रावल नजिकका’, वामदेव गौतम आक्रामक’, कृष्ण सिटौला लटरपटरे
  • जालीहरुको देश नेपाल
उमेश श्रेष्ठ/ मणि दाहाल, काठमाडौँ, भदौ १०- नेपाल वायुसेवा निगमका लागि अमेरिकी कम्पनी बोइङको जहाज खरिद गर्न तत्कालनी माओवादी नेतृत्वको सरकारले आफ्नो दललाई अमेरिकी सरकारले लगाउँदै आएको आतंकवादीको ट्याग हटाउनु पर्ने शर्त राखेको खुलासा भएको छ।

विश्वभरका अमेरिकी दूतावासको गोप्य कागजात सार्वजनिक गर्दै चर्चामा रहेको वेबसाइट विकिलिक्सले नेपालस्थित अमेरिकी दुतावासले वासिङटन पठाएका २ हजार २ सय ७८
केबलमध्ये शुक्रबार राति सार्वजनिक भएका केबलहरुबाट यो खुलासा भएको छ।

अमेरिकी दूतावासले सन् २००९ को मार्च १३ मा पठाएको केबलमा तत्कालीन प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहालका आर्थिक सल्लाहकार प्रमोद काफ्लेले यस्तो सर्त राखेको जानकारी दूतावासका अधिकारीलाई बोइङका अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय अपरेसन्सका निर्देशक समिर सहगलले दिएको उल्लेख छ।

हाम्रा नेताहरुको हैसियत यसरी तौलेछ अमेरिकाले

माअ‍ोवादी नेताहरुको सम्पति यस्तो रहेछ

अपडेटः थप नेताहरुको सम्पति विवरण भित्र छ।
पाँचौँ विस्तारित बैठकको निर्णय सार्वजनिक गर्न आज आयोजित पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा नेकपा (माओवादी)ले आफ्ना केन्द्रीय पदाधिकारीहरूको सम्पत्ति विवरण पहिलो पटक सार्वजनिक गरेको छ। अरु पार्टीका नेताहरुको पनि यसरी नै सम्पति सार्वजनिक गरेको हेर्न पाए हुन्थ्यो। वक्तव्यमा सार्वजनिक गरिएको सम्पति विवरण यस्तो छ-
नगद: छैन
सुन/चाँदी: दुई तोला सुन
जग्गाजमिन: भरतपुर चितवनमा श्रीमतीसहितको नाममा रू.तीन/चार लाखपर्ने एक कट्ठा/सातधुर घरघडेरी

Friday, August 26, 2011

पुरिएको १७ घन्टापछि उद्धार

हरिहरसिंह राठौर,  जाजरकोट, भाद्र १० - पहिरोमा पुरिएको व्यक्ति कति समयसम्म जीवित रहन सक्ला ? केहीबेर वा एकाध घन्टा ? भगवती गाविस-३ गोजाकी डेढ वर्षीया मनीषा परियार त्यस्ती भाग्यमानी बालिका हुन् जसको पहिरोमा पुरिएको करिब १७ घन्टापछि जीवितै उद्धार हुन सक्यो ।

बगाएर ल्याएको ढुंगा र माटोभित्र बच्चा रोएको आवाज आएपछि नेपाली सेना र प्रहरीसहित उद्धारमा खटिएको समूहले करिब ४ घन्टा लगाएर हिलोभित्र बाँसको कोक्रोमा जीवित बालिकालाई फेला पारेको थियो । स्थानीय खोलामा बाढी आउँदा मंगलबार अपराह्न गोजास्थित खेतमा रहेका ७ घर बगेका थिए । तर स्थानीय बासिन्दाले दुई घन्टा टाढाको तल्लुस्थित सेनाको वीरदल गणको जाजरकोट-डोल्पा सडक निर्माण कार्यदल र प्रहरीलाई बुधबार बिहान ६ बजे मात्र खबर गरेका थिए ।

मैले पुरस्कारको आशा राखेकी थिइनँ

Jhamak Ghimire 
०६७ सालको मदन पुरस्कार विजेता साहित्यकार
युवा उमेरमै मदन पुरस्कार पाउनुभएको छ । कस्तो अनुभूति गर्नुभएको छ ?
युवाहरूको तर्फबाट यो खुसीको कुरो हो । मैले भन्नुपर्दा यो दबिएको आवाजको स्ाारपूर्ण मूल्यांकन हो । 
पुस्तक लेखिरहँदा यसले मदन पुरस्कार जित्ला भन्ने सोच्नुभएको थियो ?
पुस्तक लेखिरहँदा त्यस्तो लागेको थिएन । लेखिसकेपछि पनि आशा त्यति थिएन । तर, योग्य छ जस्तोचाहिँ लागेको थियो ।

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Baidya opposes peace plan


KATHMANDU, Aug 25: UCPN (Maoist) hardliners have opposed the peace proposal put forward by Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal that includes handing over to the Special Committee the keys of the weapons containers kept at the 28 cantonments for Maoist combatants.

Maoist Chairman Dahal had put forward the proposal at a meeting of the party´s top office bearers on Wednesday.

According to sources, Baidya took strong exception to the proposal, terming it an "act of capitulation to regressive forces", and backed by General Secretary Ram bahadur Thapa and Secretary CP Gajurel, he demanded a Standing Committee meeting for further discussions.

"The Standing Committee meeting on Thursday would bring out concrete proposals on peace, constitution and government," said Vice-chairman Narayankaji Shrestha after the meeting on Wednesday.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'd rather not be Anna

Arundhati Roy
If what we're watching on TV is indeed a revolution, then it has to be one of the more embarrassing and unintelligible ones of recent times. For now, whatever questions you may have about the Jan Lokpal Bill, here are the answers you're likely to get: tick the box — (a) Vande Mataram (b) Bharat Mata ki Jai (c) India is Anna, Anna is India (d) Jai Hind.

For completely different reasons, and in completely different ways, you could say that the Maoists and the Jan Lokpal Bill have one thing in common — they both seek the overthrow of the Indian State. One working from the bottom up, by means of an armed struggle, waged by a largely adivasi army, made up of the poorest of the poor. The other, from the top down, by means of a bloodless Gandhian coup, led by a freshly minted saint, and an army of largely urban, and certainly better off people. (In this one, the Government collaborates by doing everything it possibly can to overthrow itself.)

कान्छीसँग भागेका सभासद्लाई जेठीको सन्देश

सभासद् गुणाखर बस्याल गत २० जेठदेखि सार्वजनिक सम्पर्कमा छैनन् । बस्यालको परिवारले उनलाई एक महिलाले अपहरण गरेको भन्दै प्रहरीमा उजुरी गरेको थियो भने प्रहरीले उनी कान्छी श्रीमतीसँग रहेको दाबी गरेको थियो । 'नयाँ पत्रिका'ले यससम्बन्धी समाचार २३ असारमा छापेको थियो । पर्वत क्षेत्र नं. २ बाट विजयी सभासद् बस्यालले समाचारको खण्डन गर्दै आफू चितवनमा रहेको र अपहरणमा नपरेको लिखित प्रतिक्रिया दिएका थिए । सभासद् अहिले पनि सम्पर्कमा छैनन् । प्रस्तुत छ श्रीमान्का सम्बन्धमा बस्यालपत्नी खिमा बस्यालको बेलिविस्तार-

बिस्तारामा परेकी बूढीआमा, कलिला तीन छोराछोरीलाई युद्धको समयमा बाध्यताले छोड्नुभयो । अहिले उनीहरूलाई बिर्सेर बेपत्ता नहुनुहोस् । युद्धको समयमा एउटा मिर्गौला गुमाएरै पनि तपाईंलाई सहयोग गर्ने श्रीमती तपाईंकै बाटो हेरिरहेकी छ । 

Maoists revive political front, C P Gajurel is head

KATHMANDU, Aug 23: The Maoists have activated their joint political front -- United National People’s Council (UNPC) -- with CP Gajurel as its head, to mobilize the masses.

The last central committee meeting of the party decided to activate the front that had been lying defunct for the past one year due to internal disputes.

The council was known as United Revolutionary People’s Council during the conflict period. The standing committee meeting on August 16 changed the name to UNPC to make it “acceptable to all”. The council is one of the organs of a communist party, with the army and the party being the other organs.

“The United National People’s Council will work as a bridge between the government and the people,” Nawaraj Subedi, general secretary of UNPC, told Republica.
He also informed that the council will be engaged in development activities. According to Sudedi, the council will hold meetings with patriotic, republican and leftist forces.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Maoists struggle to take decision on integration

KATHMANDU, Aug 20: The scheduled meeting of the Maoist standing committee that was supposed to take some concrete decisions on the peace process on Friday was postponed in the final hours due to “busy schedule” of Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal.

Party hardliners led by Senior Vice-chairman Mohan Baidya have demanded that the party hold a meeting of the standing committee prior to taking any decision on integration and rehabilitation of the 19,000-plus combatants.

The Maoist decision on the peace process will have a direct bearing on the current negotiations for government formation as the other political parties have put forward a condition that Maoists take concrete steps to complete the integration process.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The decline of Asian marriage: Asia's lonely hearts

Aug 20th 2011 | from the print edition of The Economist
TWENTY years ago a debate erupted about whether there were specific “Asian values”. Most attention focused on dubious claims by autocrats that democracy was not among them. But a more intriguing, if less noticed, argument was that traditional family values were stronger in Asia than in America and Europe, and that this partly accounted for Asia’s economic success. In the words of Lee Kuan Yew, former prime minister of Singapore and a keen advocate of Asian values, the Chinese family encouraged “scholarship and hard work and thrift and deferment of present enjoyment for future gain”.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

VANTAGE POINT, No. 4. Reading the Rebels in Misurata, Libya.


One pair of questions often asked about the war in Libya have been these: Just who are the rebels who have taken up arms against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s government, and how do they fight?

A video recorded this spring by an independent photographer in Misurata, if watched closely, offers a set of answers to these questions, and raises many others.

Earlier this year, this blog began the Vantage Point series, presenting raw and often uncut video from Afghanistan. (You can watch earlier segments here, here or here.) The series took a necessary pause as many of us were called away from months in the field in Libya and elsewhere. The video posted here now, which rates a warning for graphic content, provides a chance to revive the feature and to explore important questions about Libya’s armed uprising and the men participating in it.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Khanal in deep dilemma after Maoists refuse to provide lifeline

KATHMANDU, Aug 13: Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal is in deep dilemma whether to resign on Saturday as he had publicly promised after the UCPN (Maoist) refused to throw a lifeline that the prime minister was so desperately hoping for.

A meeting of the Maoist party’s office bearers held on Friday did not take any concrete decision as expected by Prime Minister Khanal and his close aides on the peace process, nor did it decide to prolong the life of the Khanal government.

Until Friday morning Baluwatar was desperately hoping that the Maoist party would take some concrete decision on the peace process so that Khanal could take it as an excuse to avoid resignation.

Maoist cultural wing splits

KATHMANDU, Aug 13: The recent efforts within the UCPN (Maoist) to end the continuing intra-party feud seems to have fallen apart, with a split in the party´s top cultural group - Samana Pariwar -- on Friday.

Members of Samana Pariwar close to party Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal formed a separate cultural group, splitting from the group dominated by Senior Vice Chairman Mohan Baidya.

The faction of the cultural group close to Baidya was in Birtanagar for its cultural campaign “Saman Jansangeet Abhiyan” when the Dahal-faction announced a parallel group in Kathmandu.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

मोहनविक्रमजी आफ्नो अडान छोड्नुहुन्न

मोहनजी अहिले मलाई एमए दोस्रो वर्षको ट्युसन पढाइरहनुभएको छ ।
मैले सल्लाह दिएकी छु- नेता हुनुभन्दा लेखक हुनुस्, बाँकी उमेर लेखनमै बिताउनुस् ।
'जलजला' उपन्यास सक्न एक वर्षका लागि पार्टीबाट बिदा बस्नुभएको छ, बिदामा आत्मकथा पनि लेख्दै हुनुहुन्छ ।
वैचारिक मतभेद भएर होइन, कता गए नाफा हुन्छ भनेर बार्गेनिङ गर्दै साथीहरू फुट्छन् । यसमा मोहनविक्रमको के दोष ?
उहाँ उकालो चढिरहने मान्छे हो । उहाँजस्तो चिन्तकको विकास नेपालमा भइसकेको छैन ।
श्रीमतीका हिसाबले कहिलेकाहीँ भन्छु, 'अब त खुला हुने कि !' मेरो कुरा सुनेर उहाँ हाँसिरहनुहुन्छ मात्रै ।

प्रचण्ड र बाबुरामलाई जेलबाट किरणको सन्देश- पार्टी कुनै हालतमा नफुटाउनु होला

म कसरी पक्राउ परेँ ? दिनभरि दिमाग चक्कराइरह्यो । मेरो बारेमा सबैभन्दा बढी थाहा हुने पार्टीको आन्तरिक पंक्तिलाई हो । तर, पार्टीको आन्तरिक पंक्तिमा शंका गर्ने कुरा पनि भएन । मैले त्यस्तो अनुमान गरिनँ । तर, यो प्रश्नले मलाई दिनभरि नै पिरोलिरह्यो ।
माओवादी उपाध्यक्ष मोहन वैद्य 'किरण' आँखाको उपचारका क्रममा ०६० जेठ १५ मा भारतको सिलगुडीमा पक्राउ परेका थिए । उनी जेलमै रहेका वेला माओवादीका दुई बहुचर्चित केन्द्रीय समिति बैठक फुन्टिवाङ र चुनवाङमा सम्पन्न भए । चुनवाङ बैठकले संसद्वादी दलसँग सहकार्य गर्दै संविधानसभा निर्वाचनमा जानेलगायतका निर्णय गरेको थियो । शान्तिप्रक्रिया सुरु भएपछि ०६३ मंसिर १५ गते उनी जेलबाट छुटेका थिए । प्रस्तुत छ किरणको सिलगुडी जेल संस्मरणः

Whatever happened to YCL?

KATHMANDU, Aug 11: On the banks of dirty Bishnumati river, just across the residence of Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal at Nayabaazar, is a dilapidated hut where Saroj Lama, 24, and his wife Karina, 24, are busy doing household chores.

Married to Saroj in 2007, Karina is now a mother of an eight month-old child who struggles for space within the stiflingly crammed hut time and again as the mother holds the child back and lets her crawl on the bare cold floor.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

'I would call it luck if nothing else'

Lujendra Ojha, the Nepali undergraduate at University of Arizona who was the first to spot signs of flowing water on Mars, was interviewed by email by Republica´s Prem Dhakal.What do you remember of your early life in Nepal and how did that shape your academic ambitions?
I remember being a normal kid in my early life. I remember buying goats with my dad for Dashain, playing cricket and soccer in the streets of Kathmandu, blocking the roads during Shivaratri, doing stupid acts during holi. All the normal stuff a normal kid normally would do at that age. I remember reading some science fiction and science books when I was growing up and I credit those for the initial spark that led me to a career in science.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Nepal bans smoking in public

KATMANDU, Nepal — Nepal has banned smoking in public and threatens to punish repeat offenders with steep fines.

Airports, hotels, restaurants, government offices and public transport will now be smoke-free under the new law that went into effect Sunday.

Health Ministry official Komal Prasad Acharya says government workers will issue fines of 100 rupees ($1.40) to people violating the ban and up to 100,000 rupees ($1,400) for repeat offenders.

Limbs of No Body

Indifference to the Afghan Tragedy
If you read my article in full, it will take about an hour of your time. In this hour, fourteen more people will have died in Afghanistan of war and hunger and sixty others will have become refugees in other countries. This article is intended to describe the reasons for this mortality and emigration. If this bitter subject is irrelevant to your sweet life, please don’t read it.

The World’s View of Afghanistan
Last year I attended the Pusan Film Festival in South Korea where I was repeatedly asked about the subject of my next film. I responded, “Afghanistan.” Immediately I would be asked, “What is Afghanistan?” Why is it so? Why should a country be so obsolete that the people of another Asian country such as South Korea have not even heard of it?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Rise of the Macro-Nationalists

AT first glance, the 1,500-page manifesto of Anders Behring Breivik, the man accused of the terrorist attacks in Oslo, appears to be a fairly standard ideological treatise of the far right. The document, which Mr. Breivik posted online on July 22 just hours before the attacks and which he titled “2083 — A European Declaration of Independence,” evokes several of the movement’s central themes and cites numerous right-wing ideologues.

Friday, August 5, 2011

PM will quit Aug 13 with or without peace deal: Dahal

KATHMANDU, Aug 6: Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal will resign on August 13 with or without an agreement on the peace process.

Dahal said this at a three-party meeting held at the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction on Friday.

As the meeting progressed and began to digress to various issues, NC leader Minendra Rajal pointedly asked what the purpose of the meeting was.
“Are we here to discuss August 13 (proposed date of the prime minister’s resignation) or August 31 (the day the Constituent Assembly term expires)?” Rijal asked, according to a leader who was present at the meeting.

बेचिएका सपना

निभा शाह
(ख्यालख्यालमा भेट भयो, निभा दिदी र राजकुमार कुँवरसित। भए, दुईचार बात, तन्दुरी रोटीको बहानामा। भए- केही गाउँका, केही सहरका कुरा । भए- केही नेताका केही कार्यकर्ताका। 

भए, काठमाडौं छिरेपछि, हेर्दाहेर्दै, राणाजीलाई खर्लप्प पारेका माओवादी नेताका जीवनशैलीका। घाममा रिठा चाउरिएझंै चाउरिदैगएका माओवादी कार्यकर्ता र गाउँघरका। र, लाहुरेको पर्खाइमा हलाक् परेकी लाहुरेनीजस्तै बेचयन सहिद परिवार, बेपत्ता परिवार, घाइतेका कुरा पनि। 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A life in writing: Slavoj Žižek * o

    Slavoj Zizek
    "There is an anarchist leftist group here in London who hate me," says Slavoj Žižek with a giggle as we settle into a dilapidated leather sofa in the bar of his Bloomsbury hotel. He is wearing freebie airline socks, an Italian T-shirt someone gave him and jeans that could easily have been made decades earlier in an unsuccessful Soviet tractor factory. "But fuck it, let's speak frankly, no bullshit, most of the left hates me even though I am supposed to be one of the world's leading communist intellectuals."

Why Writers Belong Behind Bars

While researching the Marquis de Sade several years ago, I came across an intriguing biographical tidbit: that crazed French libertine, whose string of luridly violent works gave rise to the term “sadism,” actually began his literary career as a travel writer. In 1775, Sade embarked on a yearlong grand tour of Italy, and wrote an enormous (and enormously tedious) manuscript about the journey entitled “Voyage d’Italie.” The rambling opus, filled with ruminations on Florentine museums and Neapolitan customs, was never completed. Sade’s attention wandered to more carnal pleasures, and in 1777, he was arrested for a long list of unsavory imbroglios, including one that historians call the Little Girls Episode. Sade was thrown into the prison of Vincennes, and would spend most of his remaining life incarcerated. “Voyage d’Italie” soon joined a range of half-finished manuscripts from his youth, scraps of verse and staid dramatic pieces, none of which Sade ever had the discipline to bring to fruition.

Against Literary Imperialism: Storming the Barricades of the Canon

from monthly review
Bruce Robbins
My copy of The Mythology of Imperialism, the 1973 paperback that sold for $2.75, has lots of notes in the margins. They’re excited notes, not always comprehensible now, from the first course I ever taught, a small unofficial seminar on literature and imperialism. I’ve lost the syllabus, but I remember that we read Raskin’s books: Kipling, Conrad, Forster, and Orwell. I’m not sure I would have had the idea, or the courage, to follow that syllabus in my second or third year of graduate school teaching if The Mythology of Imperialism hadn’t made its miraculous, incandescent appearance. I certainly wouldn’t have known which writers to teach, or for that matter how to start talking about them. This was before Edward W. Said’s Orientalism appeared in 1978, before the academic field of postcolonial studies had been invented. There must have been more advanced people out there—it sometimes seemed to me that everybody at Harvard was more advanced than I was—but if they had figured out why and how imperialism mattered to us, they weren’t raising their hands and making speeches about it in any of the classes I took.

Two Poems of Marilyn Buck

from monthly review
When Marilyn Buck died last August 3, she had lived outside prison, on parole, for only twenty days. At age sixty-two, she had spent her last twenty-five years in various maximum security prisons. Before that, she lived years underground, supporting and taking part in actions with the Black Panther Party and later, the Black Liberation Army. Marilyn was a white woman who carried a great deal of pain, most of which came from her unflinching acknowledgement of the centuries of untold inequities suffered by African Americans and other people of color at the hands of “freedom-loving” white America.