Monday, October 15, 2012

Dahal's wartime security commander is now Nepal Army officer

Birendra BM a.k.a Manjil
KATHMANDU, Oct 15: Birendra BM lost his three family members - his father and two sisters-during the decade-long Maoist insurgency. But he ensured foolproof security to UCPN (Maoist) Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal for years.
Birendra provided security to the former supreme commander of the Maoist army from the time Dahal and his family arrived in Rolpa, the Maoist hotbed, until Dahal became the prime minister.
When Dahal arrived in Rolpa, the task of ensuring security to the Maoist chairman was a very crucial responsibility to the Maoist army, People´s Liberation Army and the PLA commander were in search of a trusted and responsible PLA commander for the purpose. Birendra shouldered the responsibility.
During the more than six tumultuous years, he encountered seesaw situation with Nepal Army many times. During such incidents he would provide security to Dahal, putting his own life at risk.
Birendra, a local from Rukum district joined Maoist politics right from the time when top Maoist leaders sowed the seeds of insurgency in the same district during the early 1990s, and is one of the 71 former Maoist combatants recently selected for the NA officer ranks.

Though other commanders secured higher position in the Maoist army as they entered through the party´s political organizations, Birendra became the division vice-commander by serving entirely in the party´s military wing.

His father and eldest sister were killed by security forces and his younger sister was killed during an attack on Achham district headquarter Mangalsen. Rest of his family members -his wife Ishwari Sharma Ghimire served in the health department of PLA but did not settle in cantonment.

Birendra, 44, who is one officer among the three from the Magar community, and also one of the three division vice commander. He is recommended to the post of major in the NA by the Maoists.

“I experienced just opposite situation in villages and city over chairman Dahal´s security,” said Birendra, recalling the past days of the insurgency and peace process with the Dahal in the village and city. In the Rolpa, PLA chief Nand Kishor Pun himself commanded the whole security and he was given key responsibility for Dahal´s security. After entering capital, Birendra was given whole security of Dahal.

“I think, it would not be very difficult and different to fulfill duty of the security of country because I have already gained experience during insurgency and during peace time,” Birendera a.k.a Manjil told Republica by telephone.
from Republica


  1. - Dirgha Raj Prasai.
    Yes ! the time is changed.
    Birendra BM should be honest for the country according to the rule and regulation of Nepal Army. He should remember the changes-es of time. The Maoists had done great mistakes killing the Nepalese people, army and polices. by the hints of RAW. So, we should never forget the past mistakes.
    The term of the Constituent Assembly ended at midnight of 27 May 2012, with failure to promulgate a constitution. This ended the relevance of Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai’s cabinet, the presidential apparatus and all elements formed under the interim constitution of 2006. The President and Prime Minister, without constitutional mandate, are legally debarred from exercising any constitutional right. The interim constitution stands automatically dissolved as the new constitution was not drafted in time. This means that the 1990 constitution stands automatically revived.
    With the demise of the Constituent Assembly, the constitution of 1990 constitution is restored automatically and Nepal’s royal institution, Nepal Army and people of Nepal are protectors of Nepal. The monarchy was pivotal in integrating Nepal, establishing democratic and equitable society at par with the modern world. Only this option will open the doors for political resolution in Nepal. Nationality is a sensitive issue and will be difficult to re-establish once it rolls down the slope. In the past, Nepal was defended at the joint initiative of the King and people. Now that thread of unity has snapped. To rescue this holy land from an imminent dark future, all patriotic forces, the Nepalese monarchy, and the people, the Nepal Army, court and the chief organs of the State must all unite and defend the nation from chaos.
    Thank you.
    Dirgha Raj Prasai

  2. i dont get the point of this article..... it does not expand on any of his experience just states facts. it might be more insightful to know what he went through. it states that city and villages are different. but how? it just seems like a poor attempt to raise the profile of the subject and nothing more. [more]
    - prabodh pradhan

  3. Binod Ghimire
    मन्जिलबारे थप रोचक जानकारी
    रुकुम खोलागाउँ–१ घर भएका मन्जिलले सेनाको ब्यारेक र प्रहरी चौकीहरुको सर्भे गर्दथे । त्यही गोप्य सर्भेको रिपोर्ट पेश गरेपछि कहाँबाट र कसरी हमला गर्ने भनेर जनसेनाले योजना बनाउँथ्यो । ‘स्याण्ड मोडल’ अध्ययन र हतियार बनाउनमा विशेष दखल राख्ने उनले अधिकांश ठूला सैनिक ब्यारेक र जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय आक्रमणको सर्भे गरेका छन् ।
    २०५४ सालमा सल्यानको थारमारेबाट उनी पक्राउ परे । तर उनीसँग माओवादी प्रमाणित हुने कुनै पनि कागजपत्र वा सामग्री थिएनन् । जनयुद्ध उत्कर्षमा पुगेकोबेला घर रुकुम बताएको भए प्रहरीले जिउँदो राख्ने थिएन । त्यसैले उनले आफ्नो घरबार, आफन्त कोही नभएको र दाङ देउखुरीस्थित ससुरालीमा बस्दै आएको बताए । उनले अदुवाको सुठो र टिम्मुर ब्यापारी भएकोले खरिदका लागि सल्यान आएको बयान दिए । उनको बयान प्रहरीले पत्याएन र कठोर यातना दियो । यातना सहन नसकेपछि पार्टीको कुरा खोल्नुभन्दा मर्नु बेश भन्ठानेर उनले आफू माओवादी कमाण्डर भएको बयान दिने निर्णय गरे (त्यसो भनेको भए प्रहरीले हत्या ग¥थ्यो) । तर माइतमा बस्दै आएकी ८ महिने गर्भवती श्रीमती सम्झेर उनले निर्णय बदले र यातना सहने बरु ब्यापारी नै भएको पुष्टि गर्ने कोशिस गरे ।
    त्यतिबेला जाँड–रक्सी, चुरोट–सुर्ती नखाने भनेर माओवादी कार्यकर्ता जनतामाझ परिचित थिए । त्यसैले माओवादी होइन भनेर प्रहरीलाई भ्रम पार्न उनले चुरोट मगाएर समेत खाए । सँगै पक्राउ परेका उनका साथी (जो युद्ध मोर्चामा सहिद भैसके)लाई उनले आफ्नो सालो विनोद भनेर प्रहरीमा बयान दिए । हिरासतमा दुबै जनालाई सँगै राखेकोले प्रहरीलाई बयान दिनुअघि सल्लाह हुन्थ्यो । त्यसैले उनीहरुको बयान फरक परेन । तर, मन्जिलको बास्तविक सालो विनोद घोराही जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयको हिरासतमा भएको कुरा उनलाई के थाहा ? प्रहरीले कुरा पत्याएन र झन् यातना दियो । तर जति यातना दिए पनि पार्टीका आन्तरिक कुरा कत्ति पनि नपाएपछि प्रहरी प्रशासन हैरान भयो । त्यसपछि जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय घोराहीमा सरुवा ग¥यो ।
    मन्जिललाई घोराहीमा ल्याउनु दुई दिन अघि उनको बास्तविक सालो ३९ दिनको हिरासत बसाईपछि तारेकमा रिहा भैसकेको थियो । घोराहीका केही दयालु प्रहरी जवानले मन्जिललाई त्यो कुरा जानकारी गराएपछि उनलाई बयान बदल्नुपर्ने भयो । बयान फरक भएपछि उनलाई झन् धेरै यातना दिइयो ।
    जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय घोराहीको हिरासतबाट मन्जिलले एउटा पत्र प्रहरी अधिकारीकै सहयोगमा गोप्यरुपले ससुरालीसमक्ष पु¥याउन सफल भए । अनिमात्र मन्जिल पक्राउ परेको कुरा थाहा भयो । त्यसपछि कसरी छुटाउने भन्ने योजना बन्न थाल्यो । उनका ससुरा स्थानीय शिक्षक थिए । उनी पनि प्रहरीको तारो बनेका थिए । तै पनि साहस गरेर उनी ज्वाईंलाई भेट्न हिरासतसम्म पुगे, गर्भवती छोरीलाई लिएर । विभिन्न पक्षको दवावपछि प्रहरीले केही समयमात्र भेट्न दियो । उनले आफू ठीक भएको र नआत्तिन श्रीमती र ससुरालाई भने ।
    ससुराको चतुर्याईं र पहुँचले मन्जिललाई प्रहरीले बोलाएकोबेला जुनसुकै समयमा हाजिर हुने सर्तमा बेलुका सात बजेतिर हिरासतबाट मुक्त गरियो । लामो समयसम्म हिरासतमा खुम्चिएर बस्नुपर्दा र कठोर यातना खेप्नुपर्दा उनी हिंड्नै नसक्ने भएका थिए । तर, जसोतसो रातारात दाङको बेलझुण्डी हुँदै उनी पार्टी सम्पर्कमा पुगे । प्रहरीले मारिसक्यो होला भन्ठानेका माओवादी शीर्ष नेता र कार्यकर्ताहरुले मन्जिललाई सकुशल पाएपछि आपसमा खुशी बाँडे । भरपर्दो र विश्वासिलो कमाण्डर पाएपछि माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले मन्जिलको ससुरालीलाई मौखिक सन्देश पठाए– ‘जनयुद्धको कुशल योद्धामध्येका एक मन्जिललाई सकुशल रिहा गराउन सफल भएकोमा पार्टीको तर्फबाट तपाईंलाई धन्यवाद । अनि बधाई पनि ।’
